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7 septembre 2010 2 07 /09 /septembre /2010 00:10

In an all-made-in-China world,

Where all lads turn sad, or bad, or mad,

(Choose whatever, but mark my word)

Am a self-made man, and am glad!

In an all-made-in-China world,

Am a self-made man and am free,

And not even for all the tea

In China, (where they sell fish),

Would I let myself be bad, or mad, or selfish!

In an all-made-in-China world,

Am a self-made man and one of the few,

One of the few who dares to care!

In an all-made-in-China world,

Am as free as the air,

And as polluted too...

But tell me: who does really care

In an all-made-in-China world?

Well I personally do...

God knows am one of the few,

One of the few who cares to dare,

In an all-made-in-China world,

Where every little thing stinks,

Even Heaven and feelings,

They smell of plastic!

Am still one of the few who tries to think,

One of the few who does not stick,

(No, no never stick to any ideal;

Always remain a soul rebel!)

In an all-made-in-China world,

Compliments are most useful:

With them you can pay any fool,

And still do credit to the Lord...

But in an all-made-in-China world,

I must admit am most bored,

'Coz in an all-made-in-China world,

There ain't any cause worth fighting for;

And in an all-made-in-China world,

Men only know the use of sword,

But me, oh me my Lord!

In this whole made-in-China world,

Me, am only waiting and hoping for,

Someone, for some woman Lord,

To turn me mad, and sad, and more...



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